Huanggang Vocational and Technical College campus air energy heat pump unit inspection and maintenance project (secondary) notice of rejection

I. Basic Information of the project:

Procurement item Number: HBZTH-2023-F099

Project Name: Huanggang Vocational and Technical College campus Air energy heat pump unit inspection and maintenance project (secondary)

Ii. Reasons for project termination:

Due to the fact that less than 3 suppliers have made substantive response to the quotation document, the bid of this project is cancelled。

3. Other supplementary matters

If it is necessary to re-organize the procurement or adopt other methods of procurement, it will be announced separately。

Iv. For enquiries on the content of this announcement, please contact us as follows:

Purchaser Information: Huanggang Vocational and Technical College 

Address: No.109 Taoyuan Street, Nanhu, Huangzhou District

Contact: 0713-8345266

Purchasing agency information: Hubei Zhongtianhong Construction Project Management Co., LTD

Address: Room 101, Building 23, Jingzheng Courtyard, Huangzhou Academy, Huanggang City

Contact us: 0713-8369680 

                                          October 12, 2023

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