Implementation Rules of Hubei Green Building Materials Evaluation Mark (Trial)

Notice on the issuance of the Implementation Rules of Hubei Green Building Materials Evaluation Mark (Trial) and the Implementation Rules of Hubei Green Production Evaluation Mark of Ready-mixed Concrete (Trial) 

E Jian Regulation (2016) No. 1

Cities, prefectures, municipalities, Shennongjia Forest District Housing and Construction Commission, Economic and Information Commission (Bureau) :
  In order to implement the national and provincial policies on promoting new urbanization,We will accelerate the development of green buildings,Promoting the transformation and upgrading of the building materials industry,According to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the "Green Building Materials Evaluation mark Management Measures", "Green Building Materials Evaluation mark Management Rules" and "Ready-mixed concrete Green Production evaluation mark Management Measures (Trial)",Combined with the actual situation in Hubei,The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Provincial Economic and Information Commission have formulated the Implementation Rules for the Evaluation Mark of Green Building Materials in Hubei Province (Trial) and the Implementation Rules for the Green Production Evaluation Mark of Ready-mixed Concrete in Hubei Province (Trial).。Now printed to you, please do a good job of implementation。

    Annex: 1. Implementation Rules for the Evaluation and Identification of Green Building Materials in Hubei Province (Trial)
          2. Implementation Rules of Green Production Evaluation Mark of Ready-mixed Concrete in Hubei Province (Trial)

Hubei Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Hubei Economic and Information Commission
June 20, 2016

Implementation Rules of Hubei Green Building Materials Evaluation Mark (Trial)

    Chapter I General rules

  Article one In order to implement the national and provincial policies on promoting new urbanization,We will accelerate the development of green buildings,Promoting the transformation and upgrading of the building materials industry,According to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (hereinafter referred to as the State department) jointly issued the "Green Building Materials Evaluation labeling Management Measures" and "Green Building Materials Evaluation labeling Management Measures Implementation Rules",Combined with the reality of Hubei Province,Formulate these rules。
  Article 2 The term "green building materials" as mentioned in these Rules refers to building materials products that can reduce the consumption of natural resources and reduce the impact on the ecological environment within the whole life cycle, and have the characteristics of "energy saving, emission reduction, safety, convenience and recyclability"。
  Article 3 The term "green building materials evaluation mark" (hereinafter referred to as "evaluation mark") as mentioned in these Detailed Rules refers to the activities of evaluating the building materials products applied for evaluation, confirming their grade and carrying out informational marking in accordance with the technical requirements of green building materials evaluation and the procedures and requirements determined in these Detailed Rules。Logo grades are divided into 1 star, 2 star and 3 star from low to high。
  The identification includes certificates and marks, which are traceable。The style and format of the logo shall be formulated uniformly by the competent department of the State。The certificate includes the following:
  (1) Name and address of the production enterprise;
  (2) Product name, product series, specifications, models;
  (3) evaluation basis;
  (4) Green building materials grade;
  (5) the date of issuance and the period of validity;
  (6) Green building materials evaluation and certification agencies;
  (7) Certificate number;
  (8) Other contents that need to be marked。
  Article 4 These rules stipulate the organization and management, expert committees, evaluation institutions, evaluation, use, supervision and management of green building materials evaluation and labeling work in Hubei Province。
  Article 5 The evaluation and labeling work should closely focus on the development needs of green building and building materials industry, and promote the production and application of materials and products in areas such as land saving and indoor and outdoor environmental protection, energy saving and energy utilization, water saving and water resource utilization, material saving and comprehensive utilization of resources, as well as general green building materials。
  Article 6 The evaluation and labeling work should follow the principle of voluntary enterprise and public welfare, government advocacy, and market operation。Evaluation technical requirements and procedures to implement the unified provisions of the national competent authorities, the identification of the national unified number, unified in the national green building materials evaluation identification management information platform (hereinafter referred to as the national information platform) issued in the province and the country。
  Article 7 The evaluation marking work shall be carried out in accordance with the corresponding evaluation technical requirements of various types of building materials products in the green building materials technical standards issued by the competent authorities of the State。
  Article VIII The green building materials evaluation and labeling agency (hereinafter referred to as the evaluation agency) and the professional and technical personnel involved in the evaluation and the relevant staff are responsible for the evaluation results。
  Building materials manufacturers are responsible for obtaining the quality of the marked products and all public information about the products。
  The ninth article Guide enterprises to research and develop, produce and promote the application of green building materials, encourage new construction projects, reconstruction and expansion to give priority to the use of green building materials that have obtained evaluation marks, green buildings, green ecological urban areas, government investment and the use of financial funds should use green building materials that have obtained evaluation marks。

  Chapter II Organization and management

  Article ten Hubei Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and Hubei Provincial Economic and Information Commission (hereinafter referred to as the provincial competent department) are responsible for the supervision and management of the evaluation and marking work in the province。
  Article 11 The provincial competent department has clarified that the Hubei Building Energy Conservation Science and Technology Center is the daily management organization for the evaluation and identification of green building materials in the province (hereinafter referred to as the provincial management organization), with a dedicated work class, composed of personnel determined by the provincial competent department。Provincial administrative bodies mainly perform the following duties:
  (A) Responsible for the daily management and service of the province's evaluation and marking work;
  (b) Responsible for the establishment of Hubei Province Green Building Materials evaluation marking expert Committee (hereinafter referred to as the provincial expert Committee), and organize the relevant activities of the provincial expert committee;
  (3) Accept the filing application of evaluation institutions, implement dynamic verification of relevant information, and assist provincial competent authorities to record, publicize and release one-star and two-star evaluation institutions;
  (4) Accepting inquiries, appeals, reports and other matters concerning evaluation marks;
  (5) To be responsible for releasing the information of provincial evaluation marking;
  (vi) Responsible for the coordination and supervision of the application of evaluation marks in the province;
  (7) Report to the provincial competent authorities on the management of evaluation marking work;
  (8) Undertake relevant matters entrusted by provincial competent departments。
  Article 12 Each city, prefecture, directly administered city, Shennongjia Forest district housing and urban and rural construction authorities, economic and information authorities (hereinafter referred to as the municipal and prefectural authorities) are responsible for the production and application of green building materials supervision in the region。

  Chapter III Provincial Expert Committees

  Article 13 The provincial expert committee shall be established by the provincial administrative body and reported to the provincial competent department for approval and issuance。The provincial expert committee mainly performs the following duties:
  (A) to provide technical advice and support for the province's evaluation and marking work;
  (2) Be entrusted by the provincial competent department or provincial administrative authority to conduct random inspection of the quality of the evaluation work of the evaluation institution;
  (3) To provide technical opinions on technical issues in the evaluation, marking and application of green building materials and related disputes;
  (4) Other related work。
  Article 14 The provincial expert Committee is composed of experts in construction, building materials and other fields, with 1 chairman and 2 to 3 deputy chairmen。Members are appointed for a term of three years and may be appointed consecutively。
  Members of the provincial Expert Committee shall meet the following requirements:
  (a) senior technical title and long-term engaged in the professional work, with a wealth of theoretical knowledge and practical experience, in the professional field has a certain academic influence;
  (b) familiar with the construction or building materials industry development status and domestic and foreign trends, understand the relevant policies, regulations, standards and norms;
  (3) Have published relevant monographs, published relevant scientific and technological papers, presided over the compilation of relevant national, industrial or local standards, or presided over national or provincial related science and technology projects;
  (4) Good scientific ethics, serious and rigorous style of study and work spirit, impartiality, and the courage to assume responsibility;
  (5) In good health, generally not more than 70 years old。
  Article 15 Members of provincial expert committees shall be appointed according to the following procedures:
  (a) recommended by the unit or individual, fill in the Registration Form of the member of the Expert Committee of Hubei Green Building Materials Evaluation and Identification, and provide the corresponding certification materials, with the consent of the unit, and report to the provincial management authority for review;
  (2) After passing the audit, the provincial management agency will publicize no objections to the public, and report to the provincial competent department for publication, and the provincial competent department will issue the Certificate of the member of the Expert Committee of Hubei Green Building Materials Evaluation and Identification.。

  Chapter Four: Evaluation institutions

  Article 16 Main responsibilities of the evaluation agency:
  (1) Accept applications for identification of building materials production enterprises, and carry out evaluation work fairly, impartially and independently according to relevant regulations and evaluation technical requirements;
  (2) Submit the evaluation report to the provincial management body, and assist the provincial management body to complete the publicity and announcement work on the national information platform;
  (C) to mark the declaration of enterprises issued green building materials logo, the identification of the product performance indicators and the consistency of the implementation of dynamic tracking;
  (4) Establish evaluation and identification work files to ensure that the files are complete, true and effective。
  Article 17 The evaluation agency shall have the following conditions:
  (a) the evaluation work needs civil engineering, materials and products, municipal and environmental, energy conservation and energy utilization, mechanical and electrical and intelligent, resource utilization and sustainable development and other professionals, one star, two star evaluation institutions not less than 10 people, three star evaluation institutions not less than 30 people。
  The proportion of personnel with intermediate or above professional and technical titles shall not be less than 60%, and the proportion of personnel with senior professional and technical titles shall not be less than 30%;There shall be no less than 3 professional and technical personnel in each category, including no less than 1 senior professional and technical title personnel;
  (2) Independent legal personality, with authority and influence in the industry;
  (3) Evaluation agency personnel should abide by national laws and regulations, familiar with relevant policies and standards, and green building materials evaluation technical requirements;
  (4) Organizing or participating in the preparation of relevant national, industrial or local standards, or engaged in the research, testing, inspection or certification of relevant building materials products;
  (5) Office conditions suitable for carrying out evaluation work;
  (6) Sound internal management system;
  (7) Other conditions required。
  Article 18 Record management shall be implemented for evaluation institutions。Evaluation institutions according to the conditions of one star, two star, three star evaluation institutions and the category of building materials products in Article 7 of these rules to the provincial management agencies to submit the "Green Building materials evaluation institutions Record Form"。The filing form should be accompanied by copies of relevant materials, such as legal personality certificate, business license and other certification materials。
  Institutions engaged in the work of one-star and two-star evaluation and identification shall be accepted by the provincial management agency for the record, reported to the provincial competent authorities after verifying the relevant information, officially released in the national information platform without objection, and reported to the national competent authorities at the same time。For institutions engaged in the work of three-star evaluation and marking, the provincial management agency shall accept the record form, and after verifying the relevant information, the provincial competent department shall file the record with the national competent department;The central enterprises and public institutions in Hubei and the national industry studies (associations) may directly apply to the state competent department for the record, and at the same time copy to the provincial competent department。
  Three-star evaluation agencies, such as carrying out one-star and two-star evaluation labeling work in the province, shall be reviewed by the provincial management agency and submitted to the provincial competent authorities for the record。
  Article 19 Implement dynamic credit list management for evaluation agencies。There should be no less than two three-star evaluation agencies of the same category of green building materials filed in the province, and no less than two star-rated evaluation agencies of the same category of green building materials。
  The relevant information of evaluation institutions is uniformly released on the national information platform。
  Article 20 Evaluation institutions can choose one or more building materials product categories for filing according to their own conditions, and can increase or decrease the filing categories according to changes in conditions。Evaluation institutions shall carry out evaluation labeling work in strict accordance with the business scope of the record (evaluation stars and product categories), and shall not undertake business beyond the scope。
  Article 21 The evaluation agency shall not have any economic interest relationship with the enterprise applying for the evaluation mark。Enterprises and institutions engaged in the design, production and sales of related building materials products shall not be used as evaluation institutions。

  The fifth chapter marks evaluation

  Article 22 The application for identification is put forward by the building materials production enterprise to the corresponding evaluation institution according to the evaluation technical requirements and product categories, and the star identification to be applied。
  The same building materials production enterprise of the same product may not be submitted to multiple evaluation institutions at the same time。
  When the ready-mixed concrete and ready-mixed mortar apply for the green building materials mark, the mixing station (building) that has obtained the green production evaluation mark can cite the evaluation results of the same evaluation project。
  Article 23 Enterprises applying for identification shall fill in the "Green Building Materials Evaluation Identification Declaration", provide the corresponding technical data and certification materials according to the evaluation technical requirements, and be responsible for its authenticity and accuracy。
  Article 24 After receiving the enterprise application, the evaluation agency shall complete the formal review within 5 working days。After passing the formal examination, the evaluation institution shall issue a notice of acceptance to the applicant enterprise。Both parties shall sign an agreement or contract on a voluntary basis, specifying the rights and obligations of both parties。
  If it fails to pass the formal review, the evaluation agency shall inform the applicant enterprise of the materials that need to be supplemented at one time。
  Article 25 The evaluation institution shall appoint the corresponding professional and technical personnel to form the evaluation working group according to the product category and evaluation technical requirements applied by the enterprise。The members of the review working group should be more than 3 people, and the review team leader should have a senior technical title in the profession。
  Article 26 If the evaluation agency has any objection to the product test report provided by the production enterprise, it may organize the witness sample review, and the relevant expenses shall be agreed by both parties;The testing institutions that practice fraud may complain to the provincial administrative authorities or relevant departments。
  The evaluation agency shall complete the product evaluation of the enterprise application within 30 working days (excluding sampling retest time), issue an evaluation report, and clarify the evaluation conclusions and grades。
  If the evaluation is passed, the evaluation agency shall apply to the provincial management agency for publicity on the national information platform, and the publicity period is 10 working days。After the announcement of no objection, the evaluation agency shall apply for a certificate number from the provincial competent department to the national competent department, and issue a logo in the name of the evaluation agency;If there is any objection to the publicity, the provincial administrative body shall organize a review。
  If the evaluation is not passed, if the enterprise has objections to the evaluation results, it shall lodge a complaint with the evaluation agency within 10 working days, and the evaluation agency shall give a reply within 10 working days;If the enterprise still has objections to the reply of the evaluation agency, it may appeal to the provincial management agency。
  Article 27 The evaluation agency shall establish a complete evaluation marking work file (including paper documents and electronic documents), and archive and manage the evaluation report, "Green Building Materials Evaluation marking Declaration" and related product testing reports。The evaluation report shall be signed by all members of the evaluation working group and stamped with the official seal of the evaluation agency。The evaluation agency shall, within 10 working days of issuing the evaluation report, submit a complete set of electronic files of evaluation marking work to the provincial management agency。

  Chapter six: Identification and use

  Article 28 Enterprises that obtain the green building materials evaluation mark shall express the green building materials mark on the product or package in an appropriate and eye-catching way, and the content (style and format) of the mark shall implement the unified provisions of the State。
  Article 29 The enterprise that obtains the logo shall establish a management system for the use of the logo, standardize the use of the logo, and ensure the consistency of the performance indicators of the factory products and the logo。The use of the logo shall be truthfully recorded and archived。
  Article 30 The validity period of the logo is 3 years, during which the enterprise shall submit a report on the use of the logo to the evaluation agency before the end of December each year。6 months before the expiration of the validity period, you can apply to the evaluation agency for extension of the use of the review。The deferred reassessment procedure is the same as the initial application procedure。
  Article 31 Enterprises that have obtained the mark should report to the evaluation agency in a timely manner if there is a change in their major business activities。If any of the following major changes occur, the application for evaluation should be resubmitted:
  (A) the production equipment, process, etc. of the product has undergone major changes and seriously affects the performance of the product;
  (2) The place of production of the enterprise has been shifted;
  (3) Product standards are updated and affect product testing conclusions。

  Chapter VII Supervision and administration

  Article 32 The evaluation institution registered in the province shall submit the work report of the previous year to the provincial management authority before the end of January each year。The content of the report shall include: overview of the evaluation work, statistics of the labels issued in the current year, analysis of the evaluation work, organizational and personnel conditions, existing difficulties, problems and suggestions, and other information that should be explained。The provincial management agencies will form a special report on the evaluation and identification of green building materials in the province and report it to the provincial competent authorities before the end of March。
  Article 33 The provincial management agency may conduct regular or irregular spot checks and inspections on the evaluation agencies and enterprises that have obtained the logo in the province。
  The municipal and state competent departments shall assist in solving the relevant problems encountered in the evaluation and labeling work in the region, carry out regular or irregular spot checks and inspections on the quality of the labeling products in the region, and supervise the use of the labeling of green building materials in the region。
  Article 34 If the evaluation institution has any of the following circumstances, it shall be included in the integrity record and published in an appropriate manner:
  (1) Providing false materials and information during the filing process;
  (2) failing to perform the corresponding filing procedures for the evaluation and marking of green building materials;
  (3) carrying out the evaluation and marking of green building materials beyond the scope of the record;
  (4) Providing false materials and information during the evaluation process, resulting in serious misrepresentation of the evaluation results;
  (5) producing false evaluation reports;
  (6) The quality of the evaluation work cannot be guaranteed;
  (7) failing to submit evaluation marking work files on time;
  (8) Failing to submit annual work reports on time;
  (9) Other situations that violate the principle of good faith。
  Article 35 If one of the following major problems occurs in the enterprise that has obtained the logo, the evaluation agency shall revoke or the provincial management agency shall order the evaluation agency to revoke the awarded logo, and announce it to the society through the national information platform:
  (1) There are vicious events and major quality problems affecting the environment;
  (2) identifying products that fail to pass random inspection;
  (3) using the mark beyond the scope;
  (4) Obtaining the mark by cheating or other improper means;
  (5) using the obtained marks to carry out false or exaggerated propaganda;
  (6) Other circumstances that should be revoked according to law。
  Article 36 The enterprise whose logo has been revoked shall not apply for the logo again within 2 years from the date of cancellation;For an enterprise whose logo has been revoked again, the evaluation agency shall not accept its evaluation application again。The relevant information about the cancellation of the logo shall be publicized on the national information platform。
  Article 37 Staff members of competent departments and administrative institutions at all levels who engage in malpractices for personal gain, abuse of power, neglect of duty or interfere with the evaluation work resulting in unfair evaluation shall be seriously investigated and dealt with according to law and regulations。
  Article 38 Any unit or individual who has objections to the evaluation process or evaluation results may file a complaint and report to the provincial administrative body。

  Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions

  Article 39 The "Green Building Materials evaluation institution record Form" and "Green building Materials evaluation Identification Declaration" adopt the national unified template, and the identification certificate and logo adopt the national unified style and format。
  Article 40 The provincial administrative authority shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Rules。
  Article 41 These Detailed Rules shall come into force as of the date of issuance。

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